
writing style

How to improve your writing style: our 8 tips

899 ViewsWriting well is within everyone’s reach, with a little work and without trying to imitate the greatest literary authors. Each literary style is unique. To help you find yours, here are some ways to improve your writing style . If you are looking for ways to improve your writing style, reading is one of…

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writing style

How to improve your writing style in 10 steps?

741 ViewsStruggling to hold your readers’ attention? It may not be your content, but your style that is causing them to yawn unnecessarily. To increase the power of your writing, you need to focus on your readers’ style requirements, your authenticity, and the right writing technique. Your 10-step plan for an attention-grabbing article Isn’t it…

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Students Online

How to Engage Students Online

991 ViewsNow that so many schools are implementing remote teaching and learning amid theCovid-19pandemic, keeping students engaged in online learning is more important than ever.While convenient for some, engaging learners online can be more challenging than in a face-to-face setting.Teachers can no longer approach students and personally guide them in areas they may be struggling…

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school for your child

How to choose the best school for your child

1,008 ViewsEach school is a different world and you must choose which world you want your child to grow into. Therefore, you must consider several factors to be analyzed conscientiously and with dedication. Our little babies are growing up and this involves important decisions, such as the choice of school.  Where their teachers will shape…

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Schools in India

Best MBA Schools in India

900 ViewsGetting admission into one of the best MBA schoolsin India gives the student the much-needed boost to give their career a boost, so it is imperative to choose the right MBA College for a lifetime business school. This guide sheds light on the business school selection process by putting all the important information at…

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career in consulting

A career in consulting?

872 ViewsAccording to Syntec Conseil, the average seniority in the profession does not exceed five to six years and the average turnover rate in firms is 15%. How to explain such a turnover of staff and why so few juniors seriously consider a career in consulting? Is it always a well-considered choice? Who could seriously…

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